John Brown
- Born: 31 Oct 1868, Raheen, Dingle, Co. Kerry, Ireland
- Died: 15 Jun 1916, Montgomery Tp., Lesueur, Minnesota at age 47
- Buried: St. Michael's Cemetery, Kilkenny, Minnesota
Research Notes:
Name JOHN BROWN Date of Birth 1868 Group Registration ID 7424933 SR District/Reg Area Dingle Sex N/R Mother's Birth Surname N/R
Ireland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1620-1911 Name: John Brown Gender: Male Birth Date: 31 Oct 1868 Birth Place: Dingle, Kerry, Ireland Baptism Place: Dingle, Kerry, Ireland Father's Name: Thomas Brown Mother's Name: Honora Flaherty FHL Film Number: 101179
Name JOHN BROWNE Date of Birth 17 July 1868 Address RAHEENS Father THOMAS BROWNE Mother HONORA FLAHERTY Further details in the record Child Denomination RC Father Occupation NR Sponsor 1 PATRICK KEEVANE Sponsor 1 Address NR Sponsor 2 JOHANNA KEEVANE Sponsor 2 Address NR Priest NR
John Brown Minnesota State Census, 1885 Name John Brown Event Place Derrynane, Le Sueur, Minnesota Age (Expanded) 16 years Birth Year (Estimated) 1869 Birthplace Ireland Race White Gender Male Volume Le Sueur Page 6 Household Role Gender Age Birthplace Daniel Sullivan M 32y Ireland Hannah Sullivan F 28y New York Elizabeth Sullivan F 8y Minnesota Mary Sullivan F 6y Minnesota Hannah Sullivan F 4y Minnesota Ellen Sullivan F 2y Minnesota Elizabeth Brown F 10y Ireland John Brown M 16y Ireland
Name: John Brown Event Type: Census Event Year: 1900 Event Place: Kilkenny Township Kilkenny village, Le Sueur, Minnesota, United States Gender: Male Age: 29 Marital Status: Single Race: White Race (Original): W Relationship to Head of Household: Head Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Head Birth Date: Oct 1871 Birthplace: Ireland Immigration Year: 1872 Father's Birthplace: Ireland Mother's Birthplace: Ireland
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace John Brown Head M 29 Ireland Patrick Brown Brother M 21 Ireland Thomas Brown Father M 60 Ireland Honora Brown Mother F 45 Ireland
John Brown Minnesota State Census, 1905 Name John Brown Event Type Census Event Date 1905 Event Place Kilkenny township, Le Sueur, Minnesota Gender Male Age 28 Race White Birthplace Ireland Birth Year (Estimated) 1877 Father's Birthplace Ireland Mother's Birthplace Ireland Page 9
Name: John Brown Event Type: Census Event Date: 1910 Event Place: Kilkenny, Le Sueur, Minnesota, United States Gender: Male Age: 37 Marital Status: Single Race: White Race (Original): White Relationship to Head of Household: Son Relationship to Head of Household (Original): Son Birth Year (Estimated): 1873 Birthplace: Ireland Immigration Year: 1881 Father's Birthplace: Ireland Mother's Birthplace: Ireland Sheet Letter: A Sheet Number: 6
Household Role Sex Age Birthplace Thomas Brown Head M 60 Ireland Hanora Brown Wife F 55 Ireland John Brown Son M 37 Ireland Patrick Brown Son M 32 Ireland
Name: John Brown Gender: Male Death Date: 15 Jun 1916 Death Place: Montgomery Tp., Lesueur, Minnesota Age: 45 Birth Date: 18 May 1871 Birthplace: Ireland Occupation: Farmer Race: White Marital Status: Single Father's Name: Thomas Brown Father's Birthplace: Ireland Mother's Name: Norah Flaharty Mother's Birthplace: Ireland
John, the oldest child of Thomas and Honora Brown was born in 1869, in County Kerry, Ireland. He was about 14 years old when he came to the United States with his family and lived on a farm near St. Thomas. Later the family moved to a farm near Doyle. He attended school in Ireland and was able to to read and write. Some years later he bought his own farm near the family farm. He was killed by a freight train on the Minneapolis and St. Louis railroad about %mile north of Mulford's crossing, also known as Doyle. In those days, people walked great distances, often on the railroad tracks, as the roads were often very poor. The railroad ties made a sturdy path to town. He had been in Montgomery on Thursday afternoon, having walked into town on the tracks. He left town about eight o'clock in the evening, walking on the tracks toward home. It is thought that he stepped off the tracks to allow the train to pass and was struck in the head by the cylinder of the engine as he looked back. There were no witnesses to the accident. He was a hard working man who owned his own farm near Doyle. He was a very capable farmer and had talents in mechanics and carpentry. He built some of his farm buildings and also helped many neighbors build. The funeral was held from St. Michaels Catholic church and burial in the adjoining cemetary.
From Dingle to Derrynane, Kilkenny & points west - a family history of Thomas and Honora Flaherty Brown
Noted events in his life were:
• Alt. Birth.